And I will walk 10,000 steps…

Working out has never been “my thing,” and I so want it to be. I would love to be a runner or a weight lifter, but alas I am just a lazy, homebody.

A few months ago, more than I would like to admit, Lord Awesome Pants bought us both fitness trackers. I was very excited. I thought that this would be THE way for me get in shape. I would get in my recommended 10,000 steps every day, I would count every calorie, and I would weigh myself frequently and be amazed at my results.

Lord Awesome Pants completely embraced the fitness tracker life. He started walking to work everyday, he tracked his food, and he participated in competitions with his friends to see who could walk the most steps. No big surprise, he started losing weight.

I, on the other hand, had a different experience. Much to my dismay, I discovered that even though we bought the very best fitness trackers available at the time, a fitness tracker can not MAKE you walk, nor can it prevent you from eating all those delicious chocolate covered ice cream cones sitting all alone in the freezer while the kids are at school. It can, however, make you realize just how much food you eat and how little you walk everyday. Sadness.

Now that the weather is getting warmer, the time has come to embrace the fitness tracker life. No more excuses! This woman is getting in shape!!

Getting ready to work out with 120+ other women.

So, like any other reasonable woman, I signed up for a group class to help me jump start my fitness journey. It was advertised as a training challenge, but how hard could it be?

(*FYI. Pretty hard. Those trainers are ruthless.)

I also started walking to class and participating in those step competitions that keep my husband motivated to work out. Judging from the amount of walking our friends do, it will be awhile before I’m really in the running to beat anyone but it’s a start.

Here’s to better health in 2016.

Also, check this out:

Boom! More than 10,000 steps!