Chinese Easter Dinner

This year Easter is in March. I am never prepared for Easter when it is in March. To be completely honest, even holidays that are on the same date every year tend to sneak up on me, so really I have no chance of remembering a holiday with a changing date.

March is usually not spring in the last frontier. This year was unseasonably warm, but there are no flowers blooming to remind me that I might need to go buy some of that pastel colored candy covering the end caps and shelves of the grocery stores. In my defense stores put holiday candy and decor out so far in advance that by the time Easter rolls around I am completely obvious to the fact that the candy isn’t a normal decoration of the store. That’s right, I’m the victim here.

This is why I foolishly planned for us to eat ham a little over a week ago, making it less appealing to make again for Easter brunch or dinner. Plus my sister and her family, my dad, and my brother are all out of town this weekend, so it would just be us anyway.Don’t get me wrong, I love cooking huge special meals for my family and extended family, (it’s my love language) but I prefer to have more people to cook for in my marathon cooking and baking sessions.

My oven also decided last week was the perfect time to crap out. I had noticed that it was not coming up to temperature quickly around St. Patrick’s Day, but chalked it up to using a new recipe for corned beef (an amazing and easy recipe from my hero The Pioneer Woman) until I wanted to make fish sticks for an easy quick dinner after a long day, and ended up baking them twice as long as usual. Lord Awesome Pants decided that ordering the part to fix said oven online would be much better than finding it locally. That means about a week without an oven. But we don’t have to buy a whole new oven.

Go team Awesome Pants!!

The original plan was to make a Cheddar Ham soup for us. But after a lazy day of lounging around, halfheartedly working on homework, and doing laundry, when Lord Awesome Pants asked what I wanted to do for dinner, cooking was definitely not my first response. Chinese food to the rescue.

I love Chinese food. I can make a pretty tasty chicken fried rice, but having someone else cook it, who knows what they are doing, is my preferred method of obtaining the deliciousness. And today did not disappoint.

We ordered the regulars along with a few new dishes, and everyone ate their fill with a smile on their face. While it wasn’t a traditional holiday dinner, it was definitely a tasty one.

After each picking one last piece of candy to munch on for dessert, we’re all winding down and preparing for another week of school and work. I’d say it’s been a pretty darn good Easter, even if there wasn’t ham and cheese potatoes.


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